Private Investigations in Toronto: 5 Myths vs. Reality

When you hear the words’ private detective,’ ‘P.I,’ ‘private eye,’ or ‘private investigations in Toronto, your head is bound to begin spinning of fantastical ideas. Perhaps you think of Sherlock Holmes with a magnifying glass, a hat, and a tobacco pipe? How about Thomas Magnum with his cool gun, car, and outstanding mustache? Or Scooby and Shaggy, a duo obviously born to catch the bad dudes despite their fears?

While most private investigators may not be as high-profile, comical, or glamorous as those guys, the entire private investigation industry is interesting. And sometimes, the challenge lies in getting other people to understand the reality of private investigations in Toronto and what a private investigator can and cannot do for you.

When hiring a private investigator in Toronto, their ethical compliance & transparency must be a priority to you. Taking advantage of other people and abusing privileges isn’t part of a private investigator’s job description. In fact, the exact opposite must be what a professional investigator would take pride in. Their sole priority should be to ask the right questions, find answers, and present comprehensive, unbiased, factual, and helpful results.

Private Investigators must understand privacy restrictions, Canadian privacy laws, and the consequence of a breach of integrity. Indeed, private investigators must provide confidential consultation even when they have a qualified team or professional team to help with investigations. 

Private investigations in Toronto – 5 myths debunked

A person in a yellow jacket conducting private investigations.

The world of private investigation seems so ‘private’ to people not involved, which is why there are many misconceptions about private investigations in Toronto. Here are some of the common myths you may have heard over the years.

Myth #1: Private investigators are above the law

If a private investigation or investigators were above the law, their job activities would be a lot easier. The reality is that they must adhere to all laws that regular Canadians do and are also subject to other regulations pertaining to the information they can access. It’s true that they are privy to some databases and can access certain information, but only by consent, prevention or fraud, or similar reasoning linked to their jobs and license.

Note that private investigation professionals should not trespass on private property or break into someone’s home to find essential clues like some movies and TV shows may have you believe. While private investigators surveil people and video record them in public places, this isn’t illegal as long as they are not threatening, trespassing, or assaulting anyone.It’s important to mention that private investigators perform different types of investigations. For instance, a business PI can help business owners get undeniable evidence about fraudulent employees and integrity matters in the workplace.

Suppose you are handling a child custody situation, and you need photography evidence or undeniable pieces of evidence. In that case, a private investigator can analyze the current situation and use modern technology to obtain substantial evidence without threatening anyone. Every type of investigation must be done in accordance with the law. 

Myth #2: Private investigators can arrest criminals

The truth is that private investigators have not authority or right to arrest anyone, even if they obverse them committing a crime. Even when they find incriminating information, it’s not in their position to assume the offender is innocent or guilty. Biases, assumptions, and prejudice are something professional investigations throw out the window and focus on getting their jobs done professionals.

Private investigations in Toronto are all about gathering the facts, not the investigators’ opinions. However, there are private investigators who handle criminal cases and collaborate with the relevant law enforcement agencies to help seek justice for their clients. 

Myth #3: Private investigators can hack into bank accounts, computer systems, and social media profiles

Even if some investigators can do that, they should not. All licensed private investigators in Toronto should never hack any programs or people’s social media profiles. Besides, they have no authority to access confidential information. However, private investigators are highly trained to use the available public information to their advantage.

They understand all types of information that’s classified as public, know what to for, and how to carefully sift through the available information carefully. An experienced PI can find crucial details you may have missed and uncover documents you were unable to find. Additionally, experienced PIs often have good relationships with law enforcement officials and can legally get part of the information they seek from such officials.

Myth #4: Private investigators are like police

Most Canadians picture PIs talking to suspects or getting them to reveal incriminating information while recording them secretly, leading to an arrest. Others think of PIs as some sort of renegade police officers. Private investigators are not police officers and cannot make an arrest. Also, they cannot run people’s license plates.

They just focus on acquiring information legally. Whether you need a full-service private investigator or corporate investigators, look for compassionate investigators who can collaborate with senior police detectives, ex-police detectives, and other law enforcement officials whenever necessary. 


We all want to see goodness in people, but the world has its fair share of fraudulent and dishonest people. The influx of internet scams, cheating partners, labour disputes, identity theft, asset protection issues, and other similar issues have made private investigations in Toronto a necessity to many businesses and individuals.

Ultimate Security Services (USS) is a fully licensed, bonded, and insured security company that provides confidential, discrete investigative services to clients. We also perform a background check, surveillance investigations, corporate investigations, infidelity investigations, fraud investigations, child custody investigations, and more. We have a reputable private investigator agency offering a wide range of private investigation services. We have a higher level of experience in handling investigations involving child custody disputes, private individuals, insurance investigations, criminal investigation, and more. 

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